Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Exchange 2007 Mailbox Export Headaches

Once again, the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 development team suffers from cranal rectal inversion! Included in the Exchange 2007 management shell are the utilities needed to export data from a mailbox to a pst file. However, in their infinite wisdom, this cmdlet cannot be launched from the Exchange 2007 server because it won't run in a 64bit environment. So you must set up the management tools on a member workstation running a 32bit operating system.

Exchange 2007 is not supported running on a 32bit OS, but this is OK as we are only going to install the management tools.

.NET Framework 2.0 SP1
MMC 3.0
Windows Powershell 1.0
Outlook (2003SP2 minimum)

Once the prerequisites are installed, then run the Exchange 2007 install and install only the tools. Alternatively, you can acquire the Exchange 2007 32bit management tools from Microsoft

On completion, and assuming your account has administrative permissions into exchange you can execute the following cmdlet from within powershell.

Export-Mailbox -Id "alias or email address" -PSTFolderPath "path to PST folder"

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