Monday, June 22, 2009

Export a Selection List From BackupExec

For documentation purposes, it is sometimes necessary to be able to extract the selection list to a file. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. The first way is to schedule a new job with the same list. On completion of the job the selection list will be displayed. From this you can copy and paste into the document.
  2. The second way is to query the Backup Exec SQL database. Execute the following SQL query to return all items in all selection list.
    SELECT [ScriptName],[ScriptDescription],[DeviceSelectionName],[PathName],[FileName] FROM [BEDB].[dbo].[vwScriptPropertiesBackup]

This query can be trimmed down using the appropriate where clause.

1 comment:

Zoseph Tan said...

Hi, i came across your post on the query string for backup exec database and it is very use full but the query does not show the SQL database selection from other server that was in the selection list. I am wondering what the column name to include in the query.