Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ubuntu Missing Windows Title Bars When Using Compiz

When compiz is loaded if the WIndow title bars are missing, perform the following
  1. Open up a terminal and type sudo su (enter your password)
  2. Type gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  3. From the xorg.conf file, find the section called Section "Device" and just before EndSection, add the following and save the file:
  4. Option "AddARGBVisuals" "True"
    Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"

  5. Here is an example of an edited Section (your Section may vary):
  6. Section "Device"
    Identifier "Configured Video Device"
    Driver "fglrx"
    Option "AddARGBVisuals" "True"
    Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"

  7. Restart Ubuntu and the titlebar with related window decorations should reappear